Tag Archives: Kriegsgebiet

Kinderarbeit im Angesicht des Todes. Eine Reportage aus dem Bürgerkriegsland Syrien von Timo Vogt

SYRIEN, 03.2013, Deir ez-Zor. Teenager Wissam (real name withheld) at his work in Al-Noor Hospital in central Deir az-Zor. It«s been the largest hospital in town to treat injured or register deads from fightings or shelling in the heavily contested town on the Euphrates river. Conditions are poor and all staff works since two years almost non-stop. Even skilled teenager are needed to maintain proceedings, seen his age Wissam fullfills his job in an incredible manner. Deir az-Zor, Syrien

Wissam arbeitet im Krankenhaus in Deir ez-Zor, Syrien, 2013 © Timo Vogt/est&ost/JOKER  

Was die Augen des jungen Wissam (Name geändert) im Teenager-Alter schon alles gesehen haben, ist für die meisten Gleichaltrigen weltweit unvorstellbar. Wahrscheinlich sogar für allermeisten Erwachsenen. Wissam arbeitet 2013 im Al-Noor-Krankenhaus in der syrischen Stadt Deir ez-Zor – inmitten des Bürgerkriegs. Trotz der widrigen Arbeitsbedingungen, der täglichen Konfrontation mit dem Tod und der ständigen Angst vor Anschlägen und Rakteten hat Wissam eines nicht verlernt: sein Lachen.

Der Reportagefotograf Timo Vogt hat Wissam im Jahr 2013 bei seiner Arbeit begleitet und seinen Alltag in ergreifenden Bildern festgehalten. Die Bildstrecke ist Teil unserer neuen Kollektion für junge Fotografie #candid.

SYRIEN, 03.2013, Deir ez-Zor. Teenager Wissam (real name withheld) at his work in Al-Noor Hospital in central Deir az-Zor. It«s been the largest hospital in town to treat injured or register deads from fightings or shelling in the heavily contested town on the Euphrates river. Conditions are poor and all staff works since two years almost non-stop. Even skilled teenager are needed to maintain proceedings, seen his age Wissam fullfills his job in an incredible manner. Deir az-Zor, Syrien

 © Timo Vogt/est&ost/JOKER

SYRIEN, 03.2013, Deir ez-Zor. Teenager Wissam (real name withheld) at his work in Al-Noor Hospital in central Deir az-Zor. It«s been the largest hospital in town to treat injured or register deads from fightings or shelling in the heavily contested town on the Euphrates river. Conditions are poor and all staff works since two years almost non-stop. Even skilled teenager are needed to maintain proceedings, seen his age Wissam fullfills his job in an incredible manner. Deir az-Zor, Syrien

 © Timo Vogt/est&ost/JOKER  

SYRIEN, 03.2013, Deir ez-Zor. Teenager Wissam (real name withheld) at his work in Al-Noor Hospital in central Deir az-Zor. It«s been the largest hospital in town to treat injured or register deads from fightings or shelling in the heavily contested town on the Euphrates river. Conditions are poor and all staff works since two years almost non-stop. Even skilled teenager are needed to maintain proceedings, seen his age Wissam fullfills his job in an incredible manner. Deir az-Zor, Syrien

 © Timo Vogt/est&ost/JOKER  

SYRIEN, 03.2013, Deir ez-Zor. Teenager Wissam (real name withheld) at his work in Al-Noor Hospital in central Deir az-Zor. It«s been the largest hospital in town to treat injured or register deads from fightings or shelling in the heavily contested town on the Euphrates river. Conditions are poor and all staff works since two years almost non-stop. Even skilled teenager are needed to maintain proceedings, seen his age Wissam fullfills his job in an incredible manner. Deir az-Zor, Syrien

 © Timo Vogt/est&ost/JOKER  

SYRIEN, 03.2013, Deir ez-Zor. Teenager Wissam (real name withheld) at his work in Al-Noor Hospital in central Deir az-Zor. It«s been the largest hospital in town to treat injured or register deads from fightings or shelling in the heavily contested town on the Euphrates river. Conditions are poor and all staff works since two years almost non-stop. Even skilled teenager are needed to maintain proceedings, seen his age Wissam fullfills his job in an incredible manner. Deir az-Zor, Syrien

 © Timo Vogt/est&ost/JOKER  

SYRIEN, 03.2013, Deir ez-Zor. Teenager Wissam (real name withheld) at his work in Al-Noor Hospital in central Deir az-Zor. It«s been the largest hospital in town to treat injured or register deads from fightings or shelling in the heavily contested town on the Euphrates river. Conditions are poor and all staff works since two years almost non-stop. Even skilled teenager are needed to maintain proceedings, seen his age Wissam fullfills his job in an incredible manner. Deir az-Zor, Syrien

 © Timo Vogt/est&ost/JOKER