Tag Archives: Klimawandel

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Bundestagswahl, Corona, Klimawandel, soziale Ungleichheit: Unsere Presse- und Reportagefotograf*innen liefern täglich aktuelles Bildmaterial zu den drängenden politischen und sozialen Themen unserer Zeit. Sie begleiten Politiker:innen und Proteste, besuchen Brennpunkte im In- und Ausland. Dazu: Aktuelle Bildberichterstattung aus den Bereichen Wirtschaft und Kultur. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf dem Zeitgeschehen in München und Berlin.

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Zeitgeschehen: Täglich aktuelle Pressefotos bei SZ Photo

A protester holds a cross while embracing another as people demonstrate against the coronavirus restrictions near the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, November 18, 2020. Several thousands participants, among them corona-skeptics, anti-vaccination activists, Querdenken (lateral thinkers) movement supporters, Gathered in several locations at the German capital's government district in protest of coronavirus restrictions. German police officers have contained the demonstration near the Brandenburg Gate, where they used water canon trucks to push the protesters back and disperse them.

Querdenker-Demo gegen das Infektionsschutzgesetz in Berlin, 18.11.2020 © Omer Messinger   

Aktuelle Pressefotografie hat ab sofort einen festen Platz bei SZ Photo. Auf unserer Website zeigen wir unter dem neuen Punkt Zeitgeschehen eine täglich aktualisierte Auswahl an brandneuen Bildstrecken zu den drängenden politischen und sozialen Themen unserer Zeit: Corona, Klimawandel, Migration, Rassismus u. v. m.

Hier finden Sie neben den Arbeiten der SZ Fotograf*innen und unserer renommierten Pressefotograf*innen auch den jungen Bildournalismus unserer 20 neuen #candid-Fotograf*innen.

Alle aktuellen Pressefotos finden Sie im neuen my-picturemaxx Place SZ Photo Zeitgeschehen.

“We won’t die sleeping”. Nomaden in der Mongolei. Eine Reportage von Gil Bartz

Portrait zweier Kinder im Deel, dem traditionellen mongolischen Mantel, sowie den Gutul, den traditionellen mongolischen Stiefeln Aus Gil Bartz' Fotoreportage 'We Won?t Die Sleeping'. Gil Bartz: ''We won?t die sleeping' represents my on-going photo project telling the story of former Sowjet countries. This episode is about Mongolia, concentrating on the nomadic life. The name-giving did not happen by chance.`We won?t die sleeping ? also is a very popular saying in Mongolia, strongly expressing the nature of this people. The big contrast between tradition and modern world with its progress is also taking its toll on the Nomads, forcing them to leave their habitual life behind to settle down near the cities. In the beginning of 2019 I travelled to north and south Mongolia to document the every-day life of some nomadic families.'

Zwei Kinder im traditionellen Deel in der Mongolei, 2019 © Gil Bartz  

“We won’t die sleeping.” Dieses unter den Nomaden in der Mongolei geläufige Sprichwort sagt viel aus über die Natur dieser Menschen. Sengende Hitze im Sommer, -50 Grad im Winter: In seiner 800jährigen Geschichte hat das naturverbundene Nomadenvolk gelernt umzugehen mit den extremen Lebensbedingungen der mongolischen Steppe. Der Klimawandel gefährdet diese Geschichte nun: In der Mongolei steigt die Temperatur schneller als im weltweiten Durchschnitt, Dürren nehmen zu, immer mehr Weideland wird unfruchtbar. Und wenn die Nutztiere der Nomaden im Sommer nicht genug Futter finden, überleben sie die klirrende Kälte im Winter nicht. Viele kapitulieren, wollen in die Stadt und schlagen ihre Jurten in der Peripherie von Ulan Bator auf – neben Friedhöfen und Müllhalden. Statt einem besseren Leben warten in der Hauptstadt oft nur Arbeitslosigkeit und Alkohol auf sie.

“We won’t die sleeping” lautet auch der Titel dieser beeindruckenden Fotoreportage von Gil Bartz über die Nomaden in der Mongolei, für die er von Magnum-Fotograf Jerome Sessini unter die Finalisten der The Independent Photo Emerging Talent Awards 2019 gewählt wurde. Die ganze Reportage und noch mehr Bilder von Gil Bartz finden Sie bei uns. Seine Reportagen sind Teil unserer Kollektion #candid.

Eine Familie in einem Lastwagen. Sie schlagen Eisblöcke aus dem zugefrorenen See und verkaufen es an Familien im Hinterland. Aus Gil Bartz' Fotoreportage 'We Won?t Die Sleeping'. Gil Bartz: ''We won?t die sleeping' represents my on-going photo project telling the story of former Sowjet countries. This episode is about Mongolia, concentrating on the nomadic life. The name-giving did not happen by chance.`We won?t die sleeping ? also is a very popular saying in Mongolia, strongly expressing the nature of this people. The big contrast between tradition and modern world with its progress is also taking its toll on the Nomads, forcing them to leave their habitual life behind to settle down near the cities. In the beginning of 2019 I travelled to north and south Mongolia to document the every-day life of some nomadic families.'

Familie in einem Lastwagen auf einem gefrorenen See in der Mongolei, 2019 © Gil Bartz  

Traditionelles mongolisches Essen. Gekochtes Rind oder Schafsfleisch mit Salz und dazu Pferdemilchschnaps. Aus Gil Bartz' Fotoreportage 'We Won?t Die Sleeping'. Gil Bartz: ''We won?t die sleeping' represents my on-going photo project telling the story of former Sowjet countries. This episode is about Mongolia, concentrating on the nomadic life. The name-giving did not happen by chance.`We won?t die sleeping ? also is a very popular saying in Mongolia, strongly expressing the nature of this people. The big contrast between tradition and modern world with its progress is also taking its toll on the Nomads, forcing them to leave their habitual life behind to settle down near the cities. In the beginning of 2019 I travelled to north and south Mongolia to document the every-day life of some nomadic families.'

Traditionelles mongolisches Essen, 2019 © Gil Bartz  

Portrait eines Kohlearbeiters. Aus Gil Bartz' Fotoreportage 'We Won?t Die Sleeping'. Gil Bartz: ''We won?t die sleeping' represents my on-going photo project telling the story of former Sowjet countries. This episode is about Mongolia, concentrating on the nomadic life. The name-giving did not happen by chance.`We won?t die sleeping ? also is a very popular saying in Mongolia, strongly expressing the nature of this people. The big contrast between tradition and modern world with its progress is also taking its toll on the Nomads, forcing them to leave their habitual life behind to settle down near the cities. In the beginning of 2019 I travelled to north and south Mongolia to document the every-day life of some nomadic families.'

Portrait eines Kohlearbeiters in der Mongolei, 2019 © Gil Bartz  

Methodistenkirche in Ulan Bator. Aus Gil Bartz' Fotoreportage 'We Won?t Die Sleeping'. Gil Bartz: ''We won?t die sleeping' represents my on-going photo project telling the story of former Sowjet countries. This episode is about Mongolia, concentrating on the nomadic life. The name-giving did not happen by chance.`We won?t die sleeping ? also is a very popular saying in Mongolia, strongly expressing the nature of this people. The big contrast between tradition and modern world with its progress is also taking its toll on the Nomads, forcing them to leave their habitual life behind to settle down near the cities. In the beginning of 2019 I travelled to north and south Mongolia to document the every-day life of some nomadic families.'

Methodistenkirche in Ulan Bator, 2019 © Gil Bartz  

Ein Mann zieht einen Deel an. Der Deel ist ein traditionelles mongolisches Gewand. Aus Gil Bartz' Fotoreportage 'We Won?t Die Sleeping'. Gil Bartz: ''We won?t die sleeping' represents my on-going photo project telling the story of former Sowjet countries. This episode is about Mongolia, concentrating on the nomadic life. The name-giving did not happen by chance.`We won?t die sleeping ? also is a very popular saying in Mongolia, strongly expressing the nature of this people. The big contrast between tradition and modern world with its progress is also taking its toll on the Nomads, forcing them to leave their habitual life behind to settle down near the cities. In the beginning of 2019 I travelled to north and south Mongolia to document the every-day life of some nomadic families.'

Ein Mann zieht einen traditionell mongolischen Deel an, 2019 © Gil Bartz  

Ein paar Kinder schieben ein liegengebliebenes Motorrad an. Aus Gil Bartz' Fotoreportage 'We Won?t Die Sleeping'. Gil Bartz: ''We won?t die sleeping' represents my on-going photo project telling the story of former Sowjet countries. This episode is about Mongolia, concentrating on the nomadic life. The name-giving did not happen by chance.`We won?t die sleeping ? also is a very popular saying in Mongolia, strongly expressing the nature of this people. The big contrast between tradition and modern world with its progress is also taking its toll on the Nomads, forcing them to leave their habitual life behind to settle down near the cities. In the beginning of 2019 I travelled to north and south Mongolia to document the every-day life of some nomadic families.'

Kinder mit einem Motorrad auf einem zugefrorenen See in der Mongolei, 2019 © Gil Bartz  

Portrait eines Nomaden. Aus Gil Bartz' Fotoreportage 'We Won?t Die Sleeping'. Gil Bartz: ''We won?t die sleeping' represents my on-going photo project telling the story of former Sowjet countries. This episode is about Mongolia, concentrating on the nomadic life. The name-giving did not happen by chance.`We won?t die sleeping ? also is a very popular saying in Mongolia, strongly expressing the nature of this people. The big contrast between tradition and modern world with its progress is also taking its toll on the Nomads, forcing them to leave their habitual life behind to settle down near the cities. In the beginning of 2019 I travelled to north and south Mongolia to document the every-day life of some nomadic families.'

Portrait eines Nomaden in der Mongolei, 2019 © Gil Bartz